Francisco Aranda
2 min readMay 3, 2024

-O-Z*us (con’sci’ous).*


(con’sci’ous).* means the content/container [c] described [i] from observation [s] the definition [o] as a set [n] from the container [c] towards a rationalization [u] that defines [o] the observation [s].

Within a symbolic context interpretation, the letter [C] reflects the size of a container, like if you were holding a bowl with your left hand using the index and thumb finger in its primordial symbolic context.

Within a literal context, letter C means content/container.

(conscious).* a content or container [c] towards a description [i] from the observation or oscillation of information [s] (sci).* from a definition [o] towards a singular model or set [n] of a content or container [c] (con).* to a rationalization [u] towards oscillation [s] from a definition [o] (ous).*

"The content that describes the oscillation, that defines a singular model from the container with the objective of rationalize the oscillation from what is defined."

So to be conscious, would mean the ability to describe the observation/oscillation in a content, defined as a singular model from the container with the objective to rationalize the oscillation from what is defined.


(con’sci’ous’ness).* [nes²] et [sci] dea [con] deb [ous]

The first trinitarian group is the (SUJ).* subject of the second trinitarian group, which is the (ETO).* ‘substantive part’ according to the fractal pattern of (trinity).*

Super (ETO).* Substantive: (ness).*
Super (SUJ).* Subject : (con'sci'ous).*
Therefore, the (ness).* from


Super (SUJ).*

(ETO).* Substantive : (sci).*
(SUJ).* Subject : (con).*
(OBJ).* Object : (ous).*

Super (ETO).* : (ness).*

The representation [e] of the self contained oscillation [s²] from a singular set or model [n] is the ‘Super Substantive’ part of the word equation, from (con'sci'ous).* as the ‘Super Subjective’ part of it.

Therefore, (nes²).* from (con'sci'ous).*

The representation [e] of the self contained oscillation [s²] from a model, is as from the content [c] that describes [i] the oscillation [s] from a definition [o] that singularize or models [n] from a content or container [c] towards the rationalization [u] between the oscillation or observation of information [s] and the definition [o].

(Consciousness).* “represents a singular set or model towards the self contained oscillation of information, as a content that describes the oscillation from a definition that singularizes it, from a content or container, towards the rationalization between the observation and the definition.”

Francisco Aranda L
-O-Z*us Alfwet Model