-O-Z•us (GOD).*
꩜O.* & r•l’iGi’on

Francisco Aranda
5 min readJan 21, 2024


GOD as the logic approach to refer to the medium that enables communication, RELIGION as the language that transcends communication within (GOD).*

The system that is and enables communication through thought 
(GOD).* [O] from [G] towards [D].

[O] = definition.
[G] = Spiral symbol that represents a logarithmic magnitude of information, meaning the information loses its definition towards the edges.
[D] = Duality; the process to objectivize the abstract, also refers to the concept of ‘discernment’ and ‘thought’.

GOD Is the definition [O] that goes from [G] → [D]. 
It’s (ETO).* Substantive is [O], the (SUJ).* or subject is [G], the (OBJ).* or object is [D].

All words carry a literal meaning deductive from the root of its symbols, and can be applied in different contexts such as the physical or the anthropological.

The literal meaning is the definition from the surrounding information towards the object in which that information concludes.

(GOD).* defines [O] what is between thought [D] and all the information that surrounds the observer [G].

(GOD).* in its anthropological context means ‘The definition that goes from all the information surrounding the self towards the abstraction of that information into an object.

Dios from ancient Greek and Spanish carry a more anthropocentric message; In English its message is similar, nevertheless it excludes the implicit anthropocentric perspective given by the letter [I] which often refers to the representation of the self.

Spanish is one of the best abstractions from ancient greek and latin that kept most of the essence of ancient words; In spanish “Dios describe el proceso de discernimiento [D] que le permite al ser [I] concluir/definir [O] desde la oscilación de la información [s]” meaning: “God describes thought or the ability to giving object to the abstract [D] that allows the being [I] to conclude/define [O] from the oscillation of information [s]”.

Ancient Greek δῖος

(δῖο'ς) is the oscillation or function [ς] that describes [ῖ] what is defined [ο] from thought or the ability to giving object to the abstract (duality) [D].

(Dio's).* From the oscillation of information [s], the description [i] of the process of objectification from the abstract [d] towards the defined [o].

(Dio's).* is the oscillation or function [s] that describes [i] all the information that surrounds me until it loses definition through discernment [d] towards a definition [o].

The word (Dio's) starts from the idea that to develop the intellect the conscious being has to segregate the individual or ‘self’ from everything that surrounds the ‘self’; Finding the individual, the 'l' or 'ψo' in the word that in its anthropocentric context refers to 'being', therefore discerning the segregation between the individual and what surrounds him (Platonic foundation), to also understand that the individual in addition of what surrounds him is everything.

Inherently this condition is met; the being is always wrapped by everything else that is not him, giving a characteristic of superiority to everything that surrounds the being, and giving a sibling or child category to the self.

“The language that enables the message in the communication, the relationship between symbol and meaning”

Religion is an abstract philosophical artifact that is basically summarized in [IGI] dea [REL] deb [ON].

The logarithmic magnitude of the information contained in describable limits [IGI] such as the SYMBOL.

[IGI] from [REL] to [ON] describes the duality of [IGI] between [REL] and [ON]; where [IGI] is the symbol, [REL] is the representation/objectification [e] with direction [l] to a describable magnitude or radius [r]; in brief, the direction towards the object and [ON] the model or set that defines it.

Religion under this theory is the relationship that exists between the symbol [IGI] and the meaning [REL] in a model that defines that relationship [ON] like a dictionary.

(rel'igi'on).* [igi] dea [rel] deb [on] (igi).* [G] dea [I] deb [I];

(igi).* The logarithmic magnitude [G] of the information contained within the describable [I].
(rel).* [e] dea [r] deb [l] ; An expression or representation [e] which directs [l] from the describable magnitude of the available information [r].
(on).* [n] dea [o]; the singularization [n] of the definition [o]. Definition model.

The logarithmic magnitude of the information contained in what is describable is the representation of the radius or extension of the information available towards the singularization of what is defined.

Religion then, interpreted as the representation that directs the describable magnitude, radius or extension of a definition based on the logarithmic magnitude of information within the describable.

(God).* substantively represents a definition [o] from the observation of the (logos).* as the logarithmic magnitude of information that surrounds an observer [G] and his ability of “thought” described as the ability to give ‘object’ to the ‘abstract’. Further synthesizing its literal interpretation, it means that (God).* depends on the observer's consciousness and ability of thought [D] and the existence of information to be observed [G]. Other conjectures can be further obtained, such as [G] or the (Logos).* is the subjective part of the equation, and [D] (thought) is the objective part, which means the object of (god).* is ‘thought’ over the (logos).* that precedes it.

(God).* conjecture requires two concepts, information [G] and thought [D]; where it primordially refers to these two concepts, which can be extrapolated to ideas such as (GOD).* is the system that enables communication, or the medium where communication develops, and (religion).* is the language that enables the transcendence of the message within communication.

(Religion).* in its most abstract form, represents the relationship between symbol and meaning that serves as the mechanism that forms the basis for the construction of truth in communication within (God).* the conscious being ability to define [o] from the logarithmic magnitude of information that surrounds him [G] towards the process of ‘thought’ that relies in giving object to the abstract, which depends on consciousness. A linguistic artifact that connects us with the interpretation of reality towards the whole it defines; where It can be established that the foundation of religion is a construct derived from language that offers us a model that connects us in the interpretation and definition of the information that surrounds us, therefore, language ~ religion enabling a basis for the individual and collective construction of ‘truth’ within communication.

Francisco Aranda L.
-O-Z*us Alfwet Model



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